Monday, April 20, 2009

Gang of Three

We played a show for about 9 people as a power trio on Friday night. Mostly covers and some oldies, including the first NY performance of You Know What I Mean. Except that I fucked that one up. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo-Doo, Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo-doo-doo-doo. Simple enough, except I never played that part ever and forgot it was in the song until we got to it and I had to make something up. As ugly as it sounds.

The rest of the set was actually pretty good. Ben held his own on the bass and the sound at Cameo was a lot better this time around. We played The First Time, Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance to the Radio, Trouble and Time Bomb High School along with the Surf song (Bunkerbuster), Handlebar, $1.23, Teenage Dance and the aforementioned You Know What I Mean. And it was all fairly tight, but again, this was with a huge handicap. We cut out the songs that had things like changes or subtlety.

Where did you go, Eric Gordon, a suddenly power trio turns their lonely ears to you? Whoo whoo whoo....

In other news...
Our web presence has expanded, albeit modestly. Added a ReverbNation profile, mostly because it links to Facebook and synchs with the MySpace profile, so I sort of backdoor linked a part of my Facebook profile with the band's MySpace profile. look, become a fan, and enjoy the four new songs that are up on that page. just go to my facebook profile and click on the band tab.


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