Friday, April 17, 2009

The War on Denim

What's worse, the Wall Street Journal using an op-ed to rail against denim, calling it uncomfortable and unfashionable or George Will copying the exact same column and putting his name on it two weeks later?


plastic said...

wait, the washington post? i mean i dont read it but i think a lot of people would be upset...the wall street journal on the other hand would probably only piss of a few hundred rich d-bags

¡Oh No! and the Tiger Pit said...

the journal's actually a really good paper with pretty solid reporting. the op-eds are terrible and predictable garbage. they have some of the worse writers (I'm looking at you, Mark Penn) contributing to that toilet fodder.

The Post, on the other hand, has the same gag-inducing op-eds minus the good reporting beforehand. I think the Post is too engrained in the Washington beltway establishment to objectively report on what's going on. When's the last big story that they broke and owned?

plastic said...

"When's the last big story that they broke and owned?"

i dont know? watergate...of course i dont read newspapers...oh wait that Walter reed hospital thing too i guess...

actually, i dont really care. all that matters is twitter anyway